When will the apparel industry be truly environmentally friendly

According to the foreign media Daily Mail, on the outskirts of Accra, the capital of Ghana, a western African country, clothing shipped from the UK has been piled into 30-foot (about 9.1-meter) hills. Less clothes are also from popular fast fashion brands.

The mountainous garbage is countless abandoned and fast-selling clothing. They rot, smell, and even release poisonous gas that threatens human health on the land of this African country. And these clothing wastes do not come from Ghana, they mainly come from Britain and other European countries. These shoddy garments were sold to Africa through second-hand dealers and eventually abandoned.

The British second-hand clothing market is overburdened and has to send clothing to Africa. It is reported that many clothes were donated to charity shops or deposited in clothes recycling banks. Although people have a good starting point to raise funds for charity, the results have not been satisfactory.

Environmental experts said that Britain’s enthusiasm for fast fashion is creating a large surplus of inferior clothing, which is sold abroad through second-hand dealers, which will eventually pollute another country.

The Cantamanto market is one of the world’s largest second-hand clothing markets. It is understood that part of the clothing shipped to the market is a long-term inventory of major fashion fast-selling brands, and some are used clothes donated by people from all countries. . Most of the clothing destined for Ghana comes from the United Kingdom and other European countries. It is reported that approximately 15 million pieces of clothing are shipped to the Cantamanto market every week. They are packed in large bags of different weights, each weighing between 50 and 100 kg.

In fact, most of these clothes are unsellable, and more than 50 tons of clothes are discarded every day. People dump these clothes in the wasteland and the sea and let them rot. This creates a toxic “cloth soup”-when the fibers are broken down, the toxins stay in the natural environment. In August 2019, a methane explosion occurred at a recycling plant in Leeds in Accra, and the toxic gases produced by the fire burning clothing could not be dispersed for a long time.

This is an environmental disaster. Because people are pursuing fast fashion, manufacturers make too many garments, and most of them have to be thrown away a few times. All Ghana’s landfills are currently overloaded-the surrounding streets are full of clothing debris. Because there is no place to dispose of garbage, traders can only pile a lot of abandoned clothing on the suburbs and beaches outside the city, so that nature can digest it all.

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Post time: Mar-01-2020