Eight trends for the LED clothing industry in 2019

Throughout the led clothing industry, in recent years has been in a huge 3D led robot sunrise state.Some maintain stage performance clothes of more than 20%, some high-end led luminous clothing brands and low-end brands are excellent in both hands, and some have a very high sales rate in the led dress costume quarter. What about you?

 1.From cross-border to unbounded robot led costumes

Within five years the boundaries of the clothing industry will be blurred.We can see from the current trend –

(1) fashion ballroom costumes, fiber optic suits

(2) high street dance costume and high hip hop dance costume;High definition high street;

(3) integration of led costume fashion and high technology costume;

(4) gender to non-gender, LGBT;

(5) two (four) seasons a year to no seasons;

(6) integration of led clothing sales, promotion and social contact;

Businesses that don’t know where they’re going will go out of led costume business

Businesses that don’t know who they’re serving in three years will go out of led costume business.

2.Consumers no longer have labels

Consumers will no longer be tied to gender, age, occupation and income, but will be divided into aesthetic categories led costume control system.

3.Interaction is the hunan future creative

Consumer loyalty should be cultivated by luminous costume controller interaction.

Lululemon, a led luminous clothing software controller brand, relies on organizing offline community activities to win over tens of thousands of loyal fans.Getting consumers to work with the store team to promote the led costume control software brand is the smartest and most effective way to succeed.

4.Do not innovate, or die

Current advertising and marketing methods will all be ineffective in the next five years.In the consumer-centered era, led clothing companies that do not gather fans will go out of business!

After the led clothing industry, innovation will become the norm, whether it is store design, product image, or marketing techniques, even services!

But all innovations are based on the led light strips for costumes shopping experience of consumers.The industry operation rules of the clothing industry will be more and more inclined to entertainment.

4. Eyeballs become the ultimate marketing tool

Eyeballs will become the ultimate marketing tool, namely visual marketing.And visual marketing is: to attract attention, stimulate interest, stimulate imagination, guide consumption.

5. Upgrade the functional area of the led costume store

Instead of functional areas, there will be art installations.

6. Taste becomes the core competitiveness

In the next three years, grade will soon become the core competitiveness of the led strip for costumes brand.

The led performance clothing industry of the hunan future, no matter what unique route you take, will be copied and imitated.But the only thing you can’t copy is your own taste.

7. Selling led clothes is telling a story

Brand marketing era is coming.Clothing stores are not only selling products, but also telling stories and selling culture.

The most obvious example is – to give gifts to send brain platinum, fire to drink wang laoji.Remember this sentence: customers will think about the products, but ultimately use the brand to make the decision.

To shape their own brand image, have their own unique brand story, into the hearts of consumers, occupy the mind!

8.High technology led costume will penetrate the led clothing industry

With the development of The Times, high and new technology will be more applied to the shop — including clerks, information collection and other mechanical work.

But machines can only substitute for chinese led costume manufacturing, not design.This also means that there will be many design entrepreneurs born (the current CEO of Nike is a designer).

Second, more black technology led for costume will be added to the store, such as face payment, 3d fitting mirror, interactive electronic screen outside the store and so on.

Say The Times make heroes, in advance to predict the trend but do not change that is also useless.What do you think of these 8 trends in the clothing industry?The New Year is coming. Are you ready?

Post time: Jul-05-2019